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Monika Bochenek

Marketing Manager

My journey with Worldwide College Tours started at ground zero. Before WWCT even existed, I began researching information to see just how we would be able to do what we wanted to do. I was intrigued by the idea, but I wasn't sure if colleges and universities were interested in recruiting international students. In high school, I wanted to study fashion in San Diego. However, it became too overwhelming for me to find information on the application process. I requested an admissions book from the school I was interested in but didn't know what to do from there. After my failed dream, of course I loved the idea of connecting students with admissions representatives to make the dream of studying abroad happen.


I still followed my love for fashion, but in a local school. However, I quickly fell out of love when I realized how the industry is constantly changing. Some of the courses I took involved marketing, which was very interesting to me. Then, I pursued fashion marketing - I loved the idea of still being able to be involved in fashion, without having to stress about creating trends. But again, the fashion focus started to lose its appeal. I now work with Worldwide College Tours and promote our virtual fairs via social media. If you look at any of our social media pages, you will find content I've created!

To get a little more personal, I still have a love for fashion, but now it is mom fashion. I even have a blog dedicated to my life as a mom. On my blog I share outfit ideas, things to do with kids, and of course travel ideas. I love travel and that is one of my favorite reasons for working for Worldwide College Tours! On a day off, you can find me spending time with my family, cooking in the kitchen, or looking at travel inspiration photos.

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